Friday, April 23, 2010

El Gato First Steps

First Steps

El Gato is a “portable” program. By this, I mean that you do not have to “install” it. All you need to do is to copy the folder with the particular set of files you need over to your “C” drive (or any other drive, or even a Thumb Drive, and you are ready to run it.

When we ship out a CD…it will have a series of files on it. There will be several folders, and each of these will have a “runtime” version of El Gato, with cat records already there. Right now, we have Bengals, Savannahs, Chausies and then combinations of these. You can also get a “Blank” version of El Gato with no cats installed, so you can work on your own breed. As you enter cats, you can send these to us, and we will start a Master Database for your breed. Other users can specify that they want THAT breed, and then your cats will live on in El Gato forever.

These are the files on the CD. Each folder has a complete version of El Gato, with the cats of that breed already installed.

To install the version you want, simply copy the folder from the CD over to the hard drive you want to run it from.

Once you have done that, you can open the folder, and look for a file called El Gato.exe. If your computer hides the extension, it will be the second El Gato file…the first one has the databases and reports, etc.

You can look in the Quick Start Guide and the Manual to see how to create an Icon and shortcut to run El Gato from the Desktop.


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